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The Sons of Zadok

Primarily a Biblical Study text, The Sons of Zadok has found a home in large numbers of foreign countries and is being used by various Bible schools throughout North America. Sons of Zadok was first a text delivered at a seminary in Santiago, Chile, and later developed into a full book with many interesting observations. The Sons of Zadok is a "must read" book due to wide audience appeal. This volume uniquely addresses the differences between what is referred to as the "Eli System" versus the "Zadok Priesthood." Passages from both the Old and New Testament will reveal the basic tenet: what man can touch, man can corrupt. Within these twelve chapters lies a new method of approaching the subject of ministry, with an eye to discerning what ministry is and what is of God and what is of man.

Symbolic portrayals found within the Word of God are reviewed as to their relationship to the Sons of Zadok and the Zadok ministry. References range from Genesis through the teaching of Jesus to the end time book of Revelation. A clear path is evident as to how man is to minister to God and what He requires of this ministry.

In a day laden with hype and hypocrisy in religious circles, it is necessary to ascertain what emanates from God and what does not. This book will assist any believer in Jesus Christ to make better judgment both of his or her own life and of that which is paraded under the guise of true religion. ISBN 0-931898-01-4

$14.95 (US Dollars Retail)         Now available in both English and Spanish

 The Sons of Zadok Study Guide $7.95 (US Dollars Retail) Available in English only

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Reader Reviews:

A MUST Have! The Sons of Zadok by C. R. Oliver. A study of the Zadok Priesthood--Beginning with the intrigue associated with the name Zadok and developing a steady flow of its usage throughout the Old and New Testaments. The Sons of Zadok opens vast opportunities to explore the Theme of Righteousness as it relates to ministry. You will find that the sons of Zadok represent what Yahweh wants in ministry and how that man has created a form of YHVHliness and exclude most, if not all of the Sons of Zadok. After reading this book, you will be able to clearly "see" the difference in ministering to Yahweh, and just ministry. Find out that Yahweh "allows" this false ministry--but He will not allow it "forever." The book has found its home in large numbers of foreign countries and is being used by various Scripture Schools throughout North America. The Sons of Zadok was first a text delivered at a seminary in Santiago, Chile, and later developed into a full book with many interesting observations. The Sons of Zadok is a "must read" book!

Where has this message been hiding? This book is a "call to holiness." A REAL call to holiness. It is NOT  a feel-good warmed over retread of previous such messages that the reader may have been exposed to. This is serious, Bible-based, "new material" (it was new to me anyway) that is centered on the plain text of Ezekiel chapter 44. Excellent information to meditate on for any Christian--or observant Jew for that matter. The book in summary: Why settle for being a Priest (of God), when you can aspire to being a Son of Zadok? So--what is a Son of Zadok?? Read the book.    Reviewer: C.L. Midwest, US

A book for the spirit filled disciples of Christ, this may be one of the hardest messages you may ever read. This is not light reading. If you truly long to sit at the Master's table, and not be fed "baby-food," read this book. And after that, get his other books as well, "The Regal Pair: Holiness and Righteousness" and "En Punto."  Reviewer: Pastor's Wife, N.Y.

The Sons of Zadok was the first book I was privileged to read by C.R. Oliver. Someone gave me a copy as a gift, but I purchased it for my KindleFire so I could have it with me. I read it out loud for both my husband and myself. When I feel the Presence of the Lord, I weep. Needless I tell you, it was difficult reading out loud. Amazing! We had been Christians for many years, seriously studying the Bible for over fifty years. This book opened my eyes answering many unasked questions. I recognized the truth as I read with the Witness of the Holy Spirit opening my eyes. It is one of many books of his. I hold this author to be a genuine Man of God who lives what he preaches. His book and the others by him are inspired by God. What insight and illumination you will receive.    Reviewer: NO

The book offers a clear defining of the difference between being a Son of Zadok and a Son of Eli. Eli represents a false gospel that appears to be true. It brings deception which leads to death, whether physical or spiritual. C.R. Oliver clearly explains the difference in those who are obedient to the voice of the Lord, and those who follow the voice of man.    Reviewer: JK

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