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The Road to Captivity   
The Road to Captivity
is a study in Jeremiah about how ancient Israel chose a path to destruction. The book examines the tragic formulas that assured their captivity and offers comment on the two opposing views at work during this period of history. Exploring the larceny of both national leadership and the religious community which combined their power is but one aspect of the sociological and psychological study of how they maneuvered their disarray.

Care is given in applying these universal aspects to current world leadership who are marching down similar avenues leading to chaos. The national mind of ancient Israel is examined in great detail and how that common ideology caused universal ruin. Amazing similarity to the national mind of today is pointed out as well as the suspect policies of current global leadership.

The interplay between Jeremiah and the false prophets who opposed him is focused upon as are various avoidance tactics employed by national leadership. Thus, the text appears as a Handbook for National Demise.

During Israel's countdown to captivity, certain profiles of opposition appear as examples of the deteriorating rational which was under duress during the invasion process. Many parallels are derived from this in-depth study as they apply to current domestic and international scenarios.

For those who seek a chapter by chapter commentary of the book of Jeremiah, this volume works well.


$16.95 (US Dollars Retail)

The Road to Captivity Study Guide $7.95 (US Dollars Retail)









Oliver Evangelistic Association/Zadok Publications● P. O. Box 132874● The Woodlands, Texas 77393
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Last modified: 12/11/2016